Are you facing a big financial decision, but you feel unqualified to make it?
Or do you feel like the decision is too hard? Maybe you can see a mountain looming in front of you and you don’t know how to start climbing?
A poverty spirit will try to tell you that fighting is useless, creating thoughts like:
“I’ll never be able to do this.”
“I should surrender this dream. It was foolish to think I could actually accomplish this goal.”
“This is too big for me.”
“There’s no point to dreaming. I’m powerless! I can’t get there.”
“I need to grab whatever comfort I can, because this is all I’m getting. Nothing better is coming.”
Unfortunately, whenever we’re struggling with a poverty spirit, the ideas it “feeds” us feel really wise.
We have different ways of wrongly labeling these thoughts that actually come from poverty, calling them prudent, smart, or humble. It’s like putting lipstick on a pig, but no matter how much we fancy it up, it’s still a pig.
A poverty spirit “tests” us and tries to throw up barricades that feel like mountains. This kind of mindset pushes us to surrender and then pats us on the shoulder and says, “You made the right decision.”
You might truly believe within yourself, “There’s no way I could succeed. I’m defeated.”
But if you keep going—if you keep pushing—you might be surprised at how easily those obstacles fall.
Here are 5 things to do when you have a decision to make, but you find yourself struggling:
1. Go to the Lord in prayer. Has He given you any words about this decision you’re trying to make? Has He told you to do this?
2. Give yourself permission to follow what you sense the Lord is saying.
3. Push past the urge to quit because you don’t feel qualified.
4. Fight through the desire to quit because of inconvenience or discomfort.
5. When forces outside your control create walls to stop you, push on those walls—and see what happens.