Hello Financial Healers,
This afternoon we’ll discuss chapter 3 of my book, Money and the Prosperous Soul. Our topic is the poverty spirit, which is a teaching that resonates with many of my clients.
Some people think the poverty spirit is an actual demon. But I see it in a different way.
If poverty was a demon, we could simply cast it out. But in all the deliverance sessions I’ve led, this has never happened.
There must be something else holding poverty in a person’s life, but what is it?
My conclusion is that the poverty spirit is a mindset. The key features of this thought process are fear, lack, and victimhood.
There’s an entire list of symptoms we can explore. But here’s the interesting part: partnering with poverty thinking doesn’t mean you’re actually poor. Some of the richest people I’ve met struggled with a poverty mindset. But how?
Here are a few examples:
A wealthy person can partner with a fear of scarcity and hoard their wealth.
A rich person can fear losing everything, and exact rigid and strict controls over their money, even resorting to extreme privacy.
A Christmas Carol’s Ebenezer Scrooge is an example of someone who had money, but lived under a poverty spirit.
Once you understand the symptoms of poverty thinking, it becomes much easier to identify. We’ll work through how to discern and disempower this mentality in today’s My Money Time session.
Hop on to our live coaching session
Join this afternoon’s meeting at 3:30 PM (CA time). Download my free handout, and let’s get you on the path to Financial Healing!
God bless your Prosperous Soul,
Stephen K. De Silva
About: Stephen K. De Silva is an author, speaker, and financial coach. From 1995 until 2017, he served as the CFO of Bethel Church, and a member of the senior leadership team. Stephen’s blend of experience, training, and gifting make him a pioneer in the subject of money. You can reach Stephen at hello@prosperoussoul.com