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Hello Financial Healers,
We just had some more subscribers jump on our mailing list. Welcome! I hope you find this community educational, inspiring, and above all else, a launching point for your breakthrough.
For our newer members, I wanted to circle back to one of my previous topics, Money Lies. These are false beliefs we carry about money, and they affect us in negative ways.
I first discovered Money Lies when I was holding a financial training seminar in Redding, California. I asked my attendees to write down any unhealthy attitudes they believed about their finances. After class, my students came up with 5–10 examples and turned them in (names removed for privacy, of course).
I began to cull through these responses to see if there were any emerging themes. I was astounded to discover that every single attitude fit into 3 categories:
Protection lies - targeting your feeling of safety.
Provision lies - targeting your perception of financial security.
Identity lies - targeting your sense of value.
Let’s briefly cover these now.
1. Protection lies target your feeling of safety. Most of us are aware that money problems make us feel insecure and unprotected. I understand these feelings are common, and it’s easy to feel discouraged when facing financial problems. If God is all knowing and sees financial crises coming, why doesn’t He prevent them?
The truth to this question is more complicated than a single email, but I’ll encourage you with this — God has a way out for you. He is bigger than any crisis you face. One of my favorite remarks is, God is a deliverer by nature. It’s not if He will deliver you, but when.
2. Provision lies target your perception of financial security. Who is your provider when financial threats arise? Even if you are the breadwinner in your home, God is the One Who brings provision. Posturing yourself in this way relieves stress in times of severe crisis because you realize… when the waters rise, there’s only one place you can turn, and that’s prayer.
My oldest son and his wife discovered the power of prayer when they asked God to deliver them from mountains of debt. You can read about their incredible story here… 👇
3. Finally, lies about your identity affect your sense of value. It’s easy to feel low self-esteem when struggling to provide for loved ones. If you lose a wonderful job and can’t find another, you may struggle with self-loathing, or feel that God doesn’t actually care about you.
But the truth is God does care. He has a way out for you to escape and thrive. You just need to know where to turn, and like I say, prayer is an excellent starting point. So…
… do you believe any lies about provision, protection, and identity?
If so, work with the Holy Spirit to renounce their hold and replace them with truth. If you need to see any more examples of Money Lies for reference, download my free resource, “The Curious List of Lies.”
P.S: If you need to meet with me and walk through a specific and proven healing process, schedule a Financial Sozo with me. I’d love to work with you.
God bless your Prosperous Soul,
Stephen K. De Silva
About: Stephen K. De Silva is an author, speaker, and financial coach. From 1995 until 2017, he served as the CFO of Bethel Church, and a member of the senior leadership team. Stephen’s blend of experience, training, and gifting make him a pioneer in the subject of money. You can reach Stephen at