Greetings Prosperous Souls,
When the adversary whispers his lies to us, there are no warning labels attached. Satan doesn’t introduce himself, saying, “I’m the devil, and I’m here to destroy you!”
If he did, we’d instantly recognize his voice and dismiss him.
Instead, the devil employs what my wife, Dawna, calls I-messages. These are demonic whispers that masquerade as our own thoughts but are rooted in darkness.
They might vary from person to person, but they’re lies nonetheless. Examples of I-messages include: I’m a failure, I’m lost, or I’ll never succeed.
Thankfully, we have the Holy Spirit to assist us in renouncing these lies. When we sense we’re under attack, we can employ a deliverance prayer to break free.
So, how do we break free? One effective method is using a deliverance tool Dawna developed years ago for Bethel Sozo. Although it doesn’t have an official title, we’ll refer to it as the Identify and Renounce Tool. Here’s how it works:
Identify and Renounce Tool
If you discern (see, hear, or feel) thoughts like I’m a failure, I’m poor, or I can never break free, recognize that these are demonic lies coming against you. Say out loud, “I see you _____________ (whatever lie you’re sensing). I do not partner with you.”
Next, declare: “I send you back in Jesus’ Name.”
Lastly, conclude with: “Jesus, what truth do You want me to have in exchange?”
After you’ve finished praying, jot down what the Lord reveals to you. Keep a notebook handy for easy reference later if you need encouragement.
If you find yourself needing to repeat this exercise multiple times to renounce a specific lie, don’t be discouraged. Sometimes, I have to take a thought captive over and over before I feel the attacks subside. It’s all part of the deliverance process. But take heart—the Holy Spirit is with you. You can break free, and you will!
God bless your Prosperous Soul,
Stephen K. De Silva
About: Stephen K. De Silva is an author, speaker, and financial coach. From 1995 until 2017, he served as the CFO of Bethel Church, and a member of the senior leadership team. Stephen’s blend of experience, training, and gifting make him a pioneer in the subject of money. You can reach Stephen at