Hello Everyone,
In last week’s My Money Time session, we discussed the idea of leaving an inheritance for our children’s children. We had a lot of fun dialoguing and learned quite a bit about the subject.
As a bonus, I’ve created this short quiz to see what you all know about the topic. Please fill it out when you have time (those who attended last week’s meeting have already done this). It should only take 3-5 minutes.
My goal is to stretch your imagination for what’s considered inheritable. Ask yourself, What am I passing down to my children’s children? What can I do today to bless my family’s future?
You may be surprised at how many assets (physical and otherwise) you already have.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. I look forward to seeing you at our next meeting on August 10 at 3:30 PM (PT).
If you’re not an exclusive member, please consider joining us so we can add your voice to our exciting My Money Time conversations.
Stephen K. De Silva