Greetings Prosperous Souls,
Jesus taught His followers that money was a powerful tool. Stewarded well, it could accomplish great deeds. But used poorly, it could result in colossal damage.
Because of how harmful wealth can be, many Christians shy away from it. They see wealth as a necessary evil, a resource that must be managed for survival, nothing more.
It’s understandable to view money with caution because so many people, ministries, and countries have been destroyed by it. But Prosperous Souls realize that money is not the problem. Our hearts toward it is. Consider this verse:
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. — 1 Timothy 6:10 (CWS)
Notice that this passage warns about the love of money, not money itself. Wealth in itself is not bad. Used righteously, it can serve God’s purposes. The goal is to keep money out of a place of idolatry, where it becomes a stumbling block.
The Importance of Stewardship
In Luke 16:11, Jesus said, “So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?” God desires to entrust us with eternal riches, but the precursor test comes in the form of physical riches. Will we pass this exam and receive God’s superior blessings?
Your Homework
Recognize that money is not evil, only the worship of it is. God is the Giver of all wealth, so don’t be shy or intimidated when He blesses you. Use money as a resource to serve His vision. Increase what He has given you and believe that He will entrust you with more. Pray this over yourself:
Father, please shower Your favor and blessings upon me, more than I can contain. Let me steward well the excess and overflow You are entrusting to me. And in whatever season I find myself, let me walk humbly before Your eyes always. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Don’t miss our live meeting this afternoon
We’re back on schedule for our live coaching session. Access the link here to join. Bring in your questions. My free handout is available here.
God bless your Prosperous Soul,
Stephen K. De Silva
About: Stephen K. De Silva is an author, speaker, and financial mentor. From 1995 until 2017, he served as the CFO of Bethel Church, and a member of the senior leadership team. Stephen’s blend of experience, training, and gifting make him a pioneer in the subject of money. You can reach Stephen at