
Losing the ability to dream means you formerly had it. Begin with memories of old dreams and begin to create new ones through practice.

If you’ve never had a dream, let us give you some help at a live MMT community sometime. I answer private questions before and after the recordings.

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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Stephen K. De Silva


Personally I start with something like my dream is to go to Yosemite and go hiking. Or something like my dream is to read every book by CS Lewis. Or my dream is to have positive new relationships in my life. So many options here!

I am hopeful you get started and enjoy your sucess❣️

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Aug 10, 2022·edited Aug 10, 2022Author

Great point, Cat. A dream can be as simple as learning a new craft or hobby. Often when people start listing their smaller dreams, bigger ones will naturally come up.

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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Stephen K. De Silva

Hi Stephen,

I love how the LORD surprises us with big big news and ideas. These are such gifts that really matter. I am asking and open for new song and ideas. I believe it is his joy to surprise me and you! Just so fun!

Thanks for the encouragement! I love the word courage in this word cause I believe we can give courage to others by reaching out as you do!!!

Have a great day 💜

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If I have lost my ability to dream then how do I write a list of my dreams? I don't have any.

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